Which products have proven action against the coronavirus / COVID-19?

COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2, an encapsulated virus that belongs to the Coronaviridae family. Coronaviruses get their name due to their shape. After all, when scientists look at the virus particles under an electron microscope, they appear to be surrounded by a “crown” (corona in Latin). Within a couple of months, this virus sparked a pandemic.

SARS-CoV-2 affects, among other things, the airways. A healthy person can become infected when their own mucous membranes are exposed to infectious droplets produced by a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 when coughing or sneezing. Contraction of the novel coronavirus can also occur after contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, followed by touching the nose, eyes or mouth. Systematically disinfecting frequently used living and working spaces will prevent viral transmission, a crucial step in controlling an outbreak and stopping the infectious threat.

Only a few weeks after the pandemic started, research and development was intensified at Roam Technology, focusing on the efficacy of our products on coronaviruses, in order to offer more tools to combat the virus. The table below lists the products that are effective against enveloped viruses and therefor the coronavirus. The Roam Alco-gel is only available upon request.

Huwa-San TR-3



EN 14476, enveloped viruses Clean conditions PASS
EN 14476, enveloped viruses Dirty conditions PASS
EN 14476, full virucidal activity Clean & dirty conditions PASS
Huwa-San TR-12,5 Afnor NF T72-281 Full virucidal activity, clean conditions PASS
Roam Alco-gel


EN 14476, enveloped viruses Clean conditions PASS

How to protect yourself against Covid-19 when going to work?

The World Health Organization, WHO, and various governmental institutes distributed a list with measurements to prevent further spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Regularly wash your hands with water and soap:
Regularly washing hands reduces the chances of transmission. Moreover, soap is highly effective in inactivating SARS-CoV-2. This virus consists of genetic material protected by capsid proteins, that in turn are surrounded by an envelope built up of phospholipids (containing fatty acids) and proteins (Figure 1). This envelope is disrupted by soap, that has the ability to dissolve fats. Frequently and thoroughly washing your hands with soap will therefore help reducing the risk of contracting COVID-19.

Disinfect areas and materials that are frequently handled:
When an infected person touches materials or infectious respiratory droplets land on a surface, the area will thus be contaminated for a longer period. When a healthy person afterwards comes in contact with the contaminated area, transmission of the virus can occur but only if the healthy individual touches the face, nose, mouth or eyes. Therefore, systematically disinfecting frequently used areas together with washing hands will lower the chance of transmitting the virus.

Keep your distance:
SARS-CoV-2 can spread via respiratory droplets emitted by an infected person. It is advised to practice social distancing and keep a distance of at least 1.5 meter.

Cough or sneeze in a tissue and dispose of the tissue:
When sneezing or coughing small droplets carrying viruses are propelled into the environment that can travel up 8 meter1.  It is therefore important to sneeze and cough in a tissue to avoid transmitting the disease to bystanders.

Stay home if you feel sick:
Quarantine is a very old, but nevertheless efficient way of stopping the spread of viruses. Staying home when you feel sick, will prevent further transmission of SARS-CoV-2.