The impact of water quality on cucumber production

Cucumbers are 96 % water, so it’s no wonder that water quality has a big impact on the quality of the cucumber production. Polman is supported in its hygiene management by Henk Brakels, a respected specialist water quality at Van Iperen, and our Technical Sales colleague Douwe Zantinge.

The impact of water quality on cucumber production

Douwe Zantinge obtained his master’s degree in plant biotechnology at the renowned Wageningen University (NL), and has an immense amount of technical knowledge with hygiene protocols in horticulture. Working as an integral part of our BeNeFraLux Agro Solutions technical team, Douwe is continuing his professional development, gaining vital practical experience on a day to day basis working with our ever expanding horticultural client base and our senior Agro Solutions team.

Together, Jurjen, Henk and Douwe explain the reasoning behind using Huwa-San TR-50 and the ways the product, which is the most-used sustainable water disinfection product in Dutch horticulture, can be used as a water disinfectant.