Therefore, a Dutch company was looking for an efficient product to clean used plant tables and concrete floors to remove organic deposits where microorganisms can thrive to the fullest. This step is the perfect start for a successful clean and disinfect cycle.


The challenge

Maintaining a clean greenhouse is a major challenge as the organic matter and plant debris are a constant source of potential contamination. In this view, a thorough cleaning step to increase the subsequent disinfection efficacy, is of utmost importance, but unfortunately often a burden for the environment. An ecological foam cleaner can offer the ideal solution in this regard. The greenhouse in this particular case was chosen as a worst case scenario to test the effectivity of Roam Eco Clean, as no other products were capable to succesfully remove the green deposit and plant debris.

Our solution

With its outstanding foam and adhesion characteristics, the Roam Eco Clean of Roam Technology is perfectly suited to offer a solution to this problem. Organic matter on floors and tables can be efficiently removed by this product and was therefore tested at this grower. Roam Eco Clean was applied at a concentration of 3% and allowed to exert its activity for 30 minutes. After the contact time, the surfaces were rinsed with water. The result was both quantitatively, based on ATP swabs, and qualitatively determined.

The reduction in ATP value always exceeded 98%, both for cleaning of the floors and the plant tables, indicating a very effective cleaning. Visually, the plant tables were completely clean and looked like new, and although there were still some green spots on the floors, the majority of the algae were removed.

Pictures of before and after cleaning with Roam Eco Clean. All dirt and green deposit was removed from the plant tables.
After a subsequent disinfection procedure, these tables are ready for a new cultivation cycle.

Used products

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