Crazy Roots 1

The challenge

Crazy roots is caused by the bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes and has a wide range of host plants, examples are tomato, egg plant and cucumber. Agrobacterium rhizogenes is able to transfer a part of its DNA into the plant cell. The plant cell will express the genes present on this piece of DNA, leading to the production and secretion of opines that can be used as a food source by the bacterium. Besides that, the hormone balance becomes disrupted, making the plant cells more sensitive for auxins causing the cell to divide uncontrollably leading to excessive root growth.

Crazy roots can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Growth of many fine roots around the cultivation blocks and around the drippers
  • Overgrown slabs that become impermeable and dry out
  • More vegetative plant growth
  • Thickened stem
  • Problems with fruit set and formation
  • Higher risk of secondary infection.

Our solution

As a first step, water samples were taken and analysed for the presence of agrobacteria by Roam Technology. The approach was to obtain a clear idea of the seriousness of the situation and pollution in the water system. Based on those results a crop rotation protocol was introduced. Everything had to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Crazy Roots 2
  • The pipes of the irrigation system were filled for 12 hours with water containing the advised concentration Huwa-San TR-50.
  • Furthermore the silos were disinfected with Huwa-San TR-50 as well.
  • Just before the new cultivation started, the grower filled the substrate mats with water containing the correct dosage of Huwa-San TR-50.
  • Once the new cultivation season started, a specific dosage of Huwa-San TR-50 was maintained in the daily supply to attain a long contact time.
  • Towards the greenhouse another injection pump was installed to keep the concentration Huwa-San TR-50 at the desired level in the irrigation system towards the plants.

Used products

Huwa-San TR-50 is a registered biocide. Use biocides safely. Before use, read the label and product information.

Biocides are governed by stringent regulatory frameworks, the particulars of which may differ across nations. In this instance, the application adheres entirely to the regulations of the respective country but may not necessarily comply with those of others. It is advisable to consult our in-house experts for guidance on particular applications.

Sili-Fert P treatment at Dutch cucumber grower

A well-known cucumber grower in the Netherlands, wanted to take his cultivation practices and his end-products to the next level. A trial with Sili-Fert P was set up.